Interview with the antichrist full movie
Interview with the antichrist full movie

interview with the antichrist full movie

interview with the antichrist full movie

For reasons he may not be aware of, he is driven to deal with her guilt as a problem, lecturing her in calm, patient, detached psychobabble. Of course they blame themselves for having sex when they should have been attentive to the infant. Their error is in trying to treat it instead of accepting it and living it through. He is a controlling, dominant personality, who I believe is moved by the traumatic death to punish the woman who delivered his child into the world. She has been doing research on witchcraft, and it leads her to wonder if women are inherently evil. The acting was good and the special effects were also good.We must begin by assuming that He and She are already at psychological tipping points. Movies like this give me hope that I can still find quality entertainment. I'm so tired of filmmakers pushing their demoralizing agendas on us. My prayer is I only hope more movies like this can be made.

#Interview with the antichrist full movie movie#

This movie should be under the drama genre because having the Anti-Christ rule the world is certainly drama to me. When will this happen? Will I be left behind? Have I told those I love that I love them? It inspires you to read the Bible and think about God's will for you. This movie gives you a lot to think about. I recommend it to everyone as it has something for everyone. The movie is scary in its truth, beautiful in its truth and joyous in its truth all at the same time. The actor playing the antichrist goes through Scripture remarkably and through gaining knowledge and doing it so well that you can see (and almost feel) the changes come over the interviewer and most of all.the viewer. What has been happening and what is happening is presented in such a realistic way. My rating: 10++++++ I believe this is a wonderful way to spread the message of the living Christ and explain the times we are living in. Watch this if you must, but please realize this is fear mongering propaganda that uses end time scriptures out of context and forgets who God actually is. This creator does not embody what Christians are to embody. This creator did not engage in a biblical discussion, rather he deleted and blocked me. There are many false Christians out there and if they take the time to read scripture in it's entirety, I believe they'll start to have a relationship and their hearts will change, however we need to be cautious not to pick and choose and read out of context. I also highly doubt any antichrist would advise someone to "read the Bible" as this character did, though I do recommend everyone read the Bible as it will not return void. I think this would turn a non-believer further from God, and that is dangerous territory as scripture also warns about those who would lead His sheep astray. I also believe one of satans biggest weapons is "Christians" who have a heart of condemnation over grace and love. This is someone who, I think, may very well have an unrealistic view of America as a savior type rather than actual trust in the Savior. It also links end times and rapture to America and frankly, I've never seen America in the Bible. Scripture further says not to call a conspiracy what the world calls a conspiracy. Scripture says do not fear tomorrow for today has enough worries of it's own. This movie basically is how COVID-19 is the beginning of the end times, and is all about fear. Furthermore, this move is all about fear and even at one point calls some churches good and other churches bad to the point where "baptists and non-denominational were raptured" while others were "left behind". This creator did not act in accordance with how scripture calls us to behave. Christians should be prepared to give an account with gentle love, not cast stones of condemnation and then block the ability for cross communication. I commented on this Facebook feed my thoughts on this movie and the creator promptly deleted my comments and sent me a message that I could not respond to. you can look them up yourselves as this is not a salvific issue by any stretch. There are various believes in end times, pre-millennial a-millennial, etc. I do read scripture daily, and am fairly versed in it and theology. I don't mind end time movies at all, I am a fan of the left behind series. I purchased this after reading some reviews.

Interview with the antichrist full movie