Sinutrain import gud archive
Sinutrain import gud archive

sinutrain import gud archive


Why? Various What can I do with the SCP? How to contribute to SCP Free and valuable resources about remote sensing and GIS Other tutorials about SCP, also in languages other than English? How can I translate this user manual to another language? Where is the source code of SCP? ivĩ Developed by Luca Congedo, the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) is a free open source plugin for QGIS that allows for the semi-automatic classification (also known as supervised classification) of remote sensing images.

sinutrain import gud archive

Why? This plugin is broken matplotlib requires pyparsing >= Why? Error installing the plugin, possible missing dependencies. Why? Error The version of Numpy is outdated. Why? Errors How can I report an error? Virtual raster creation issues. How can I improve the accuracy? Is it possible to use the same training input for multiple images? What is the difference between classes and macroclasses? Can I use SCP with images from drones or aerial photographs? Why using only Landsat 8 band 10 in the estimation of surface temperature? iiiĦ 27 Warnings Warning : The following signature will be excluded if using Maximum Likelihood. with NoData value)? How to remove cloud cover from images? How do I create a virtual raster manually in QGIS? After pan-sharpening of Landsat 8 images, why NIR bands still have 30m resolution? Processing I get classification errors.


1 Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin Documentation Release Luca Congedo February 05, 2017ģ Contents I Introduction 1 II Plugin Installation 5 1 Installation in Windows 32 bit QGIS download and installation Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin installation Configuration of the plugin Installation in Windows 64 bit QGIS download and installation Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin installation Configuration of the plugin Installation in Ubuntu Linux QGIS download and installation Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin installation Configuration of the plugin Installation in Debian Linux QGIS download and installation Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin installation Configuration of the plugin Installation in Mac OS QGIS download and installation Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin installation Configuration of the plugin III The Interface of SCP 27 6 SCP menu 29 7 SCP Tools 31 8 Working toolbar Image control Temporary ROI Classification preview SCP dock SCP input Classification dock iĤ 10 Main Interface Window Download images Tools Preprocessing Postprocessing Band calc Band set Batch Settings Spectral Signature Plot Plot Signature list Scatter Plot Scatter list SCP Edit Toolbar 133 IV Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing Basic Definitions GIS definition Remote Sensing definition Sensors Radiance and Reflectance Spectral Signature Landsat Satellite Sentinel-2 Satellite ASTER Satellite MODIS Products Color Composite Principal Component Analysis Pan-sharpening Spectral Indices Supervised Classification Definitions Land Cover Supervised Classification Training Areas Classes and Macroclasses Classification Algorithms Spectral Distance Classification Result Accuracy Assessment Image conversion to reflectance Radiance at the Sensor s Aperture Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance Surface Reflectance DOS1 Correction Conversion to Temperature Conversion to At-Satellite Brightness Temperature Estimation of Land Surface Temperature References 167 iiĥ V Basic Tutorials Tutorial Tutorial 1: Your First Land Cover Classification Tutorial Tutorial 2: Land Cover Classification of Sentinel-2 Images VI Thematic Tutorials Tutorial: Land Cover Signature Classification Create the Band Set Create the ROIs and Define the Spectral Thresholds Land Cover Classification Other Tutorials Tutorial: Estimation of Land Surface Temperature with Landsat and ASTER Data Download and Conversion Clip to Study Area Land Cover Classification Reclassification of Land Cover Classification to Emissivity Values Conversion from At-Satellite Temperature to Land Surface Temperature Data Download and Conversion of ASTER Image Clip to Study Area of ASTER image Land Cover Classification of ASTER Image Reclassification of Land Cover Classification to Emissivity Values of ASTER Image Conversion from At Satellite Temperature to Land Surface Temperature of ASTER Image Other Tutorials VII Semi-Automatic OS Installation in VirtualBox 241 VIII Frequently Asked Questions Plugin installation How to install the plugin manually? How to install the plugin from the official SCP repository? Pre processing Which image bands should I use for a semi-automatic classification? Which Landsat bands can be converted to reflectance by the SCP? Can I apply the conversion to Sentinel-2 images download from the web? How are converted Sentinel-2 images that have different resolutions? Can I apply the Landsat conversion and DOS correction to clipped bands? Can I apply the DOS correction to bands with black border (i.e.

Sinutrain import gud archive